Temporary housing in Hamburg-Hohenfelde, how is living here?
The inhabitants of Hohenfelde have some of Hamburg’s highlights on their front step: the perfect trails for long Sunday walks, boat watching on the Außenalster or a leisurely trip downtown anytime they get the urge. The district is quiet and tranquil; especially families with children and retirees feel comfortable here. Comparatively cheap rents also attract young people and students.
Hamburg’s classic red brick post-war buildings characterize the streetscape. However, some remaining pretty Jugendstil villas and chic burgher houses are in Hohenfelde as well.
Short profile Hamburg-Hohenfelde
- located right between St. Georg, Uhlenhorst, and Eilbek
- cosy and compact: Hohenfeld measures just barely 1.1 square kilometers!
- families with children live here just as well as students, pensioners or workers
- many post-war buildings
- affordable housing
- for fans of unusual sports: a canoe polo pool is directly opposite the Alster
- Alsterschwimmhalle indoor swimming pool
Shops and restaurants
Some small shops and cafes can be found on Lübecker Straße, for example. For more cafes, restaurants and trendy pubs, head to the neighboring St. Georg district. To go shopping, you can either go to the Hamburger Mile or directly into the city center.
In summer as well as in winter, of course, the Außenalster is the biggest highlight for extensive picnics, sporty kayak trips or simply for leisurely observation. Hamburg’s largest indoor pool, the Alsterschwimmhalle, has its home in this small district.
Public transportation connections
Several U- and S-Bahn lines and different buses will get you to the city center or the next district fast.